Saturday, March 7, 2009

What recession?

It's a magical thing when Spring arrives on a Saturday, as it has this sunny morning in New York City. I've been waiting for this moment for weeks, anticipating endless hours in the park with my dog, peep-toe shoes & a new pedicure, no more hat head, saying goodbye to my down parka forever...and of course, dreaming about what jewelry I'll be sporting in the coming months.  All I can think of is that I want HAPPY, sparkly jewels in bright, happy colors. I'm calling it recession mood-proof jewelry. A few months ago, I launched a fine silver collection. After years of being nudged (OK, annoyed) by my mother, who loves her vintage silver (think Art Smith and classic Hermes), and wanted some SAJewelry in a white metal, I gave into the pressure and, as it turns out, it wasn't such a bad idea! Fine Silver is a bright, white metal. It doesn't tarnish like sterling and the production process is very similar to working in 22K can be fused, and when it heats up, the color just gets brighter and whiter.  As a backdrop for colored gemstones, it's a natural. I like to give it a matte finish and the colors just jump off the surface in a certain happy, sparkly way.  Stores are loving the collection, and last month at the globalDESIGN show in Philadelphia, where buyers were focused on ways to offer their clients beautiful, designer jewelry in a happy, sparkly price point, the fine silver collection was a big hit!  

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